Participatory Diagnosis “DaCulatra”

The project “DACulatra – Participatory Diagnosis and Action Plan for ecological sustainability on the island of Culatra” is part of a larger initiative, called “Culatra 2030 – Sustainable Energy Community”, which aims in general terms at the development of a pilot community in renewable energies on the island of Culatra.

The pilot community should be rooted in full interaction and dialogue between the local community, academic research, local authorities and the business sector.

“DACulatra” is then the starting point for the shared definition of the set of measures that will lead the island and its communities in the implementation of an ambitious agenda of transition to clean energies.

The strategic and temporal synchrony with the Energy Transition Agenda approved by the EU, and the fact that the first stage of the 'Agenda' is capacity building and community involvement (community building), absolutely reinforce the project's impact.

Funding Source: No Planet B, AMI


Responsible Culatra


Culatra2030 Fund